New Chapters written in 2004-6


[use your back button to return to this page from one of these chapters]


       Documentary from June 23rd at the New House of Prayer in Texas

       Letter from Hell,  Misery Loves Company   9/27/05

          Sr. Anne Catherine Emmerick the greatest visionary   rough draft 10/25

        Congratulations Benedict XVI and the 5th Marian Dogma 6/12/05

        Into the Mist, climbing Croagh Patrick & the House of Prayer 04

          7th letter to JP II  The French King and _____, Destiny  04

        Dance for Me and the Millennial Drought   rough draft May 04

        Truth and the Consequences        rough draft May 04

        Relationships and Human Sexuality

          Jacob becomes Israel                       rough draft  April

         The Truth and Warning from Rock the Canyon, Idaho rough draft 04

          2007 prophecy, from Fatima Portugal, July 11,2004  

         The Persian and warning


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