Fire season 2003 and the Yoke


" For next year shall be "brutal" and we will suffer much here because of your inaction."

given to the Parish council and Priests, on 12/24/2002.

  Letter to Parish council (12/23/02) looking at last years and this years (2003)predictions


[picture taken on the afternoon of 8/14/03]

To view actual fullsize government photo, copy and paste this address in your browser,


While I was on a trip overseas which included a stop in Jerusalem a lightning storm blew

through the area and caused these fires.


Jesus said on 11/11/01 at Mass in, Orleans France, "I will ram you down their throats and it is

_____ ____ what they want. They will not sweep this under the rug, it shall be hung around their

neck like a yoke. ... My son you will be hated as our kind has always been, by the pompous

self centered fools, but the little people will love you, and I will always be with you."   

   THE GREATEST SOLDIER Mass on 11/11/01 


            Next  year (2004) will be even worse.


 Letter to Parish council (12/23/02) looking at last years and this years (2003)predictions

Letter to the Priests and Parish Council 12/12/03

  HOMEPAGE        Dance for Me and the Millennial Drought