Most Holy Rosary

The Rosary is said in many different ways, and I am not going to get into all of them,

but will give the basic outline and the prayers along with a personal one. So first you

say what you are praying for then you say the Apostles Creed, the an  Our Father

on the first large bead. Then you say for an increase in faith, hope and charity and say

3 Hail Mary's on the group of 3 at the beginning then a Glory be to the Father.

                                            Repeat this section 5 times

Now there are 4 sets of mysteries, they each have 5 subjects to contemplate on while

you say the Our Father (large or lone bead), and the 10 Hail Mary's that you say on the

group of 10 beads, then you say a  Glory be to the Father and the Fatima prayer. Then

you repeat and start over at with the Our Father on the large or single bead etc.


When you have finished the 5 decades then you say the Hail Holy Queen.


1)  The Joyous Mysteries

      a) The Annunciation-    Gabriel tells Mary that she will bear a son, Jesus.

       b) The Visitation-         Mary visits Elizabeth for the birth of John the Baptist.

       c) The Birth-                  Jesus Christ is born in Bethlehem.

       d) The Presentation-      Jesus is brought to the Temple and Simeon sees the child.

       e) Finding in the Temple-    Jesus is found teaching in the Temple at age 12.


2) The Mysteries of Light

       a) The Baptism-             Jesus is baptized in the Jordon River by John.       

       b) The Wedding Feast at Cana-    Jesus changes water into wine.

       c) Jesus Proclaims the Kingdom of God is here

       d) Transfiguration-        Jesus is transfigured as he speaks to Moses and Elijah.

       e) Jesus institutes the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper.


3)  The Sorrowful Mysteries

       a) The Agony in the Garden     Jesus prays before his arrest

       b) The Scourging at the Pillar

       c) The Crown of Thorns is placed on Jesus

       d) Jesus carries His Cross

       e) Jesus is crucified


4) Glorious Mysteries

       a) Jesus rises from the Dead

       b) Jesus ascends into Heaven

       c) Pentecost, Shekina the Holy Spirit descends on the Apostles

       d) The Assumption of the Virgin Mary by Jesus up to Heaven

       e) The Crowning of the Virgin Mary as the Queen of Heaven and Earth


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